Compulsory Primary Education
It is universally (সার্বজনীনভাবে) accepted that education is the backbone (মেরুদন্ড) of a nation. If there had not been the light of education in the world, we would have been in the midst (মাঝে) of darkness (অন্ধকার) till now. Controversy (বাদানুবাদ) exists on different issues but there is no controversy over the contribution (অবদান) of education. Till now there is no alternative to education in the universe. Education is a process (প্রক্রিয়া) by which our mind develops. It is mental and intellectual training given at an institution like a school, college, or university. Education differentiates (পার্থক্য করা) a man from an animal and primary education is the basis of all branches of education.
Education makes a man perfect in all respects. In this modern world, both men and women should receive an education. A life without education is a life equivalent to the life of a beast (পশু). To make life meaningful (অর্থপূর্ণ) and respectful, education is a must.
At present the developed countries are trying their best to excel one another in education. Unfortunately, the majority of the people of Bangladesh are illiterate. This is a curse for the nation. To be an educated nation we must emphasize (গুরুত্ব দেওয়া) primary education. If the foundation of a student is firm, he/she is supposed to do well in the upcoming (আসন্ন) stages of learning. Primary education forms the firm foundation (ভিত্তি) of the learners which should receive the maximum (সর্বাধিক) attention of the state.
But it is an irony of fate (নির্মম পরিহাস) that primary education in our country is in a deplorable (শোচনীয়) state. We all know that there are no necessary facilities (সুযোগসুবিধা) and materials in primary schools. Classes are held in outdated buildings. In many rural (গ্রামীণ) areas, because of the lack of classrooms, classes are held under the open sky. There is no requisite (প্রয়োজনীয়) number of teachers in the primary schools.
If we look at the developed countries, we find that the root (মূল) of their development is education. An educated nation can take the country to the highest peak (চূড়া) of development. People in general can achieve overall development in their life.
The illiterate poor people are not inclined (আগ্রহী) to send their children to schools. Awareness (সচেতনতা) about education among the ordinary people should be created through print and electronic media. They should be encouraged (উৎসাহিত করা) to send their children to school. At the same time books and school dress along with other materials should be supplied free of cost.
Most of the people of our country are not still aware of the importance of literacy. In this connection a literacy campaign may be launched to generate awareness among the people. People from all walks of life should participate in this program.
Education is compared to light. Everybody should realize it. We can expect that the darkness of ignorance will disappear from the country through the light of education. Primary education can play a pioneering role in this regard. So, it must get top priority from the government.
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