A Moonlit Night
A moonlit night presents charms and beauties to all. The moon shines in the azure (আকাশী রং) sky. She looks like a silvery disc. Rivers, canals, bushes etc. seem to talk with the moon.
A moonlight night has a tremendous (ভীষণ) influence on the life of a man. The children come out of their room and begin to play in the light of the moon. The thinkers, the newly married couple and the poets go to the riverbank to enjoy the beauty of nature. The silvery moon has a dazzling (অতিশয় উজ্জ্বল) beauty whenever we see it in the river water. Birds and beasts are also influenced by a moonlit night. The nocturnal (নৈশ) animals get pleasure and begin to prey. Birds come out of their nests and twitter.
All aspects of a moonlit night are charming (মনোরম). The meadows, the fields, the canals, the rivers and the sea beaches have a dreamy look. These seem to be a fairy land. People of all ages like it.
আরো দেখুন
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সাজেশন : ৪৫তম বিসিএস