Corruption in Bangladesh
Nowadays (আজকাল), corruption (দুর্নীতি) has become a widespread (বহু বিস্তারিত) disease in Bangladesh. Corruption means the misuse of public office for private (ব্যক্তিগত) gain. It too indicates adopting (অবলম্বন করা) unfair means. It is a matter of great shame that Bangladesh has topped the list of the most corrupted countries in the world for consecutive (ধারাবাহিক) five years.
In Bangladesh we can see corruption (Corruption in Bangladesh) in almost all spheres of society, especially (বিশেষ করে) the government sectors are heavily corrupted (দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত), Political parties also exercise (প্রয়োগ করা) their power in all sectors starting from getting job to tenders or any other monetary (আর্থিক) gain. People do not think about the welfare of the country. Corrupted persons try to pursue (চালিয়ে যাওয়া) their own interest at the cost of the national interest.
There are many reasons behind corruption. The most important factors are: defective government policies, lack of implementation (প্রয়োগ) of law, lack of check and balance, poor economic condition of people, lack of patriotism and above all lack of accountability (জবাবদিহিতা). So, corruption in Bangladesh is increasing day by day.
Different forms of corruption can be seen in Bangladesh. They are: bribery (ঘুষ দেয়া বা নেওয়া), nepotism (স্বজনপ্রীতি), embezzlement (অর্থ আত্মসাৎ), misuse of power, grasping (আঁকড়ে ধরা) government properties, stealing, negligence of duties and so on. In fact, corruption slows down the development of the country. The economy of the country is greatly threatened. The general people are affected very much. Goverment policies and projects are not implemented (প্রয়োগ করা) properly and so the development programmes are hampered. Corruption also discourages foreign investment or foreign aid. As a result, the image of the country is at stake. If this situation continues, the country will face a very threatening (আশঙ্কাজনক) condition.
The government must take steps to stop corruption. For this, there must be accountability in every level. Proper and strict implementation of law and order should be maintained. The people should be made aware of the negative impacts. The civil society should come forward to help the people. The government should also think to ensure the economic stability of the people so that they do not take the path of corruption. We see that corruption in Bangladesh spreate every where & govt. can’t reduse it with bravely because of nepotisiom.
People of all walks of life should stand against corruption to ensure a corruption free society. Only then our country can become a peaceful, prosperous and happy one.
*** Corruption in Bangladesh is a very necessary writing for all classes.
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