Empowerment of Women
Empowerment of women means giving women the power or authority to do something When the women in a society do not enjoy equal rights with their male counterparts, the question of the empowerment of the women arises. In many countries women are regarded as inferior (নিকৃষ্ট) to men. They are always subject to discriminatory (বৈষম্যমূলক) treatment. But nowadays women are becoming aware of their rights. They have recently begun a movement called ‘The women’s liberation Movement’.
In many societies women are often called the weaker sex. Men use them only as a means of their sexual enjoyment (উপভোগ). In many families, their opinions are not at all considered essential in important family affairs. They are inhumanly (অমানবিকভাবে) beaten by their husbands or treated by their in-laws cruelly. In many societies, the parents of the brides are compelled (বাধ্য) to pay dowry (যৌতুক) to the families of the bridegrooms. If they are unable to pay dowry, the miseries of their daughters beggar description. Thus women have treated in a humiliating (অপমানজনক) manner in many societies. In many societies many parents are reluctant (অনিচ্ছুক) to educate their daughters. They think that if their daughters are educated, they will only supplement (যোগকরা) the income of their husbands’ families by doing jobs. So instead of (পরিবর্তে) educating their daughters they use their resources for the education of their sons, whom they consider suitable to supplement their family income. They marry their daughters off even before they have grown into adults. So, If we want to stop this incredible sense the empowerment of women must be needed.
It is true that half of the total population of a country are women. If women do not get the opportunity to participate (অংশগ্রহণ করা) in the development activities of a country, it will not be at all possible for the country to reach the highest point of development. On the other hand, if both men and women work together for the development of their country, it is sure to reach the highest point of development. Therefore, both men and women should have equal education. An educated woman can contribute (অবদান) a lot to the development of a country. So, the empowerment of women is very a very important of a women because with this she can expose herself.
empowered, Some people are against the empowerment of women. They argue that if the women are they will always try to dominate (আধিপত্য করা) men. They also argue that if both men and women work together, they will be sexually attracted to each other. These are their lame arguments. A truly educated woman never tries to dominate her husband and her in-laws. She can properly look after her husband and children. Moreover, if she does her job by putting on a yashmak (বোরকা), she will be able to work as an employee (কর্মী) of good character. A Hindu or a Christian woman will not be sexually attracted (আকর্ষিত) to a male employee if she does her job by putting on refined (মার্জিত) clothes.
With a view to expediting the process of women’s empowerment (Empowerment of Women) the government of every country should take the following realistic measures:
- Secondary and Higher secondary education should be made compulsory for women.
- A strict rule should be introduced in order to protect (রক্ষা করা) the rights of women in important family matters.
- Women should be given the freedom to express their views and opinions (মতামত) on every social and national issue.
- Men should be compelled to admit that women’s household (পারিবারিক) activities are significant & important.
- Women should be encouraged to take part in national-building activities.
*** Empowerment of Women is a very free hand necessary writing.
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