Composition: Industrialization in Bangladesh

Industrialization in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is basically (মূলত) an agricultural (কৃষি) country. So, the economy (অর্থনীতি) of this country is largely (অনেকাংশে) dependent on agriculture. In other words, most of the people of our country have to depend on agriculture for their livelihood (জীবিকা), Unfortunately, mere (কেবল) dependence (নির্ভরশীলতা) on agriculture does not help them to earn their livelihood. So, some entrepreneurs are trying to industrialize our country. They have already set up lots of industries throughout the country. In this world of globalization commodities (পণ্যদ্রব্য) can be sent from one country to another within a very short time. As the modern age is the age of competition in all respects, our government should help the entrepreneurs in all possible ways so that they can increase the industrial products with a view to capturing the global market.


Though industrialization is essential in our country, we should not overlook the bad effects of the massive industrialization. There are arguments for and against more industrialization. As unemployment is a great threat to the development of our country, a large number of skilled and unskilled workers are migrating to the industrially developed countries for getting jobs. Taking advantage of our poverty, the capitalists of the developed countries are exploiting our workers in different ways. The salaries that they are given are not commensurate with their skill and experience. It is very sad that the products which are produced by our skilled workers in the industrially developed countries have to be imported by our government on different occasions. Had our country been industrially developed and our skilled and unskilled workers working in our industries been given attractive (আকর্ষণীয়) salaries, our country would have become one of the richest countries in the world.

But everything has its merits and demerits. Those who are against more industrialization say that if more industries are set up (স্থাপিত), the number of the cultivable (চাষাবাদযোগ্য) lands will be decreasing gradually (ক্রমশ). Moreover, the industries will pollute the air by belching (প্রচুর পরিমাণে নির্গত করা) a lot of smoke and water by throwing their poisonous (বর্জ্য) chemical and waste materials into canals and rivers. The industries that our country has should be efficiently (দক্ষতার সাথে) managed. If we succeed in managing our existing (বিদ্যমান) industries in an efficient manner, our country will be one of the industrially developed countries in the world.

We should know that our main goal is to develop our country. As our land is very fertile, we should use every inch of our land for the production of crops. We should cultivate our land scientifically in order to enhance (বাড়ানো) our agricultural production. Moreover, we should grow plenty of fruits and vegetables and cultivate different kinds of fish in our ponds, canals, lakes (হ্রদ) and rivers. By exporting fruits, vegetables and fish we can easily augment (বৃদ্ধি করা) our national income.

It is true that industrial advancement can bring about a great change to the development of a country. It is also true that modernization (আধুনিকরণ) of agriculture also plays a great role in developing the economy of the country. Therefore, we should adopt a mixed policy of industrialization and agricultural expansion (প্রসারণ) so that our country can reach the highest point of prosperity (সমৃদ্ধ).

আরো দেখুন

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সাজেশন : ৪৫তম বিসিএস

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