Patriotism (স্বদেশপ্রেম) means being true and dedicated (উৎসর্গ করা) to one’s country. It is a noble (মহৎ) virtue which inspires (অনুপ্রাণিত করা) one’s devotion for one’s country. A true patriot is an unselfish (নিঃস্বার্থ) lover of his country and countrymen. His sincere love and aspirations (উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা) are to achieve the interests of the country in all possible ways.
Love for one’s own country refines (পরিশোধিত করা) mind, removes the narrowness (সংকীর্ণতা) of heart and helps one to be dedicated. Man turns to be immortal (অমর) by loving his country, and his patriotism prepares him to face any odd challenge in his country. In 1971 the people of our motherland got inspired with patriotism. So they participated (অংশগ্রহণ করা) in the Liberation War without caring for their own lives. Our valiant (সাহসী) heroes fought with unending (অশেষ) patriotism and thwarted the organized assault (আক্রমণ) of the strong Pakistani occupation forces. Many valiant sons of this soil like Titumir and Tipu Sultan were defeated by the British but their love for motherland remains burning as a source of inspiration for the generations (প্রজন্ম) to come. After the defeat. Titumir’s dead body was saluted by the English General. The valiant tale of patriotic Khudiram of the then Indian subcontinent was an example for the contemporary (সমসাময়িক) juvenile (তরুণ) patriots and even today Khudiram’s hanging by the British is observed with applause (উচ্চ প্রশংসা ধ্বনি) through singing. The creed of politics is patriotism, but the selfish and ambitious role of today’s politicians is disappointing (হতাশাব্যঞ্জক).
Patriotism promotes humanity. One can discover a sign of patriotism in the sword of Isa Khan, Robindranath and Nazrul Islam upheld (তুলে ধরা) patriotism in their poems and songs. In fact, all of us should perform our assigned (আরোপিত) duty and endeavor (চেষ্টা) to contribute to the welfare of the state. Homeland is an invaluable (অমূল্য) and sacred (পবিত্র) asset to men. At the time of our country’s distress (দুর্দশা) or danger we should be ready to lay down our lives for her.
Nobody can deny the fact that a country is no less than a mother in terms of care and affection. Mother and motherland go side by side. One becomes helpless and meaningless (অর্থহীন) in the absence of the other. Sensing (অনুভব করা) this truth, English poet Sir Walter Scott sang–
“Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land?”
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