Composition : Refugee Crisis Around the World

Refugee Crisis Around the World

“A bundle of belongings isn’t the only thing a refugee brings to his new country.”
– Albert Einstein
Refugee crisis has become a common phenomenon in today’s world. From the earliest times of civilization to modern times, from poor areas to developed countries, refugees could be seen almost everywhere. Nowadays, although the global economy has been developing very fast, but the problem of refugees still exists and is currently a cause for concern. The number of refugees has kept rising and their geographical distribution has kept widening. Now solving the refugee crisis is a cross-century challenge for the whole world.


1. Who is a refugee or the definition of a refugee:

A refugee is a person who has been forced to flee his or her country due to persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-established fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are the main reasons for refugees fleeing theircountries.

2. What is the 1951 Refugee Convention:

The 1951 Geneva Convention is the main international instrument of refugee law. The Convention clearly spells out who a refugee is and the kind of legal protection, other assistance and social rights he or she should receive from the countries who have signal the document. Another document, the 1967 protocol, expanded the scope of the Convention as the problem of displacement spread around the world.

3. Number of Refugees around the world:

• According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, as of January, 2019, 70.8 million people were displaced worldwide.

• UNHCR’s annual Global Trends Report-released on 19 June, 2019-shows that nearly 70.8 million people was displaced at the end of 2018. Some 13.6 million people were newly displaced during the course of the rat. Among them are nearly 25.9 million refugees, over half of whom are under the age of 18.

4. Host countries and countries of origin:

Host countries: (Top 5, in millions)
1. Turkey — 3.70
2. Pakistan — 4 1.40
3. Uganda — 4 1.17
4. Sudan — 4 1.07
5. Germany — 4 1.06

[Source: UNHCR. June, 2019]

Sources of refugees: (Top 5, in millions)
1. Syria — 6.70
2. Afghanistan — 2.70
3. South Sudan — 2.30
4. Myanmar — 1.10
5. S. Somalia — 4 0.95

[Source: UNHCR. June, 2019]



Graph : Number of Refugee (in million)                                 Graph :  Number of Refugee (in percentage)

Note : 1914 & 1940 also related with The 1st & 2nd World War!

[Source: UNHCR Report-2019]

5. World Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh:

According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), more than 723,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since 25 August, 2017. On 28 September 2018, at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly, The prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina said there are 1.1 million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh now.

[table id=3 /]

[Source: The Daily Star]

6. Major causes behind refugee crisis:

There are many causes for refugee crisis. Among them some are discussed below as follows:
(a) War and civil war.
(b) Human rights violations.
(c) Environment and Climate.
(d) Poverty and Despair.

7. Challenges of the World Community:

• International terrorist organizations will use refugees as operatives.

• Neighboring countries will feel extra burden .

• International borders will be unsafe and risky.

• Receiving countries will have to face food crisis.

• Overall. peace and stability of the world will be threatened.

8. Our Responsibilities:

• To abolish the antiquated concept of war, the international community must come to an agreement.

• To guarantee a balance of power, the UN (United Nations) should be made more inclusive and participative.

• The United. Nations should show zero-tolerance to the violators of world peace and stability.

• Peaceful bilateral and multi-lateral relations should be encouraged and facilitated.

• International laws and charters protecting human rights should be followed properly.

• To prevent anybody from leaving their nation, poverty in all of its forms must be eradicated from the whole planet.

Though refugee crisis is the most dreadful crisis of the present world, this is obviously not a permanent problem to deal with. So, standing on an ethical ground, we all need to focus on human rights, democracy, civil rights, political and economic freedom that can successfully draw an end to this dreadful refugee crisis and can bring peace in this planet.

“If I were in a refugee camp somewhere on the Pakistani border, of course I’d want to come to Australia.”

– Tony Abbott (PM of Australia)

1.NHCR Report-2018
2. Amnesty International

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