Composition: Students and Social Services

Students and Social Services

Society is an organization of people of all classes who have some common interests, aims and principles. Students are not isolated from society. As the members of society, they are subject to performing certain duties to it. There are many kinds of social services and students have a lot to do in this sector. Students’ service is especially significant (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ) in poor countries like ours.

Student life is a period for future preparation (প্রস্তুতি) of life. This life is utilized (ব্যবহৃত) for education and training. But living in a developing country like ours, students have to render (প্রদান করা) certain services for the development and progress of the nation. They may run night schools and teach the poor and working children as well. They can take initiatives (পদক্ষেপ) to teach the uneducated adult people in villages. If that is not possible, they can at least serve at their own house. Besides teaching the three R’s i.e. reading, writing and or arithmetic, students can also teach the people about modern methods of cultivation, the use of fertilizers (সার) and proper caring of crops. They can also provide advice on earning methods like starting fish cultivation making poultry farms (হাঁস মুরগীর খামার). Students have duties towards society, no doubt, but they should not always remain preoccupied (ব্যস্ত) with these activities. Their main duty is to study. They should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations (ছুটি).

Our students can take part in raising awareness (সচেতনতা) regarding population problem. They can teach people the rules of health and sanitation (স্বাস্থ্যকর ব্যবস্থার উৎকর্ষসাধন). They can teach them how to reduce pollution and how to lead a healthy life by being neat and clean. Most of the people of our country are poor and illiterate. The food they take have very little vitality. So a large number of people suffer from diseases. The students can teach these people some basic treatment for diseases like dysentery (আমাশা) and mild infections (সংক্রামক রোগ),

Students can prove to be worthy (যোগ্য) during natural calamities (দুর্যোগ). In times of flood, famine (দুর্ভীক্ষ), cyclone, earthquake and other epidemics (মহামারী রোগ), they can come forward to help the suffering humanity, They can collect food, clothes and medicine and distribute (বন্টন করা) them amongst the people in need.

There are many duties before the students which they can easily perform as the conscious citizens of the country. Unfortunately (দুর্ভাগ্যবশত), many students are aware of their duties. To save the country, every student should come forward with a sacrificing and cooperative (সহযোগিতা) mind. But they must not forget that their topmost (সর্বোচ্চ) attention should be given to their studies which will pave the way to their desired (কাঙ্ক্ষিত) destination (গন্তব্যস্থল).

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