The house I live in
The house I live in is situated (অবস্থিত) in Noakhali Housing Estate. It is a two-storied (দ্বিতলা বিশিষ্ট) building. Each storey has two flats and each flat has three bedrooms, one drawing room, one dining room, one kitchen and four bathrooms. There are balconies on the southern and northern sides of the flats.Our house faces the south and is surrounded (বেষ্টিত) by a boundary wall. There is a collapsible (যেটি ভাজ করা যায় এমন কিছু) iron gate on the eastern side of the house. The outside (বাহিরে) colour of the house is green. But the colour of the rooms of the house is blue. The house I live in looks like a fantastic & dream place for me.
The whole house is connected to electricity and gas lines. There is also a generator in our house. When electricity fails, we use the generator to produce electricity to use fans, tube lights, refrigerators and television. We can watch different types of entertaining (বিনোদন মূলক) and informative (তথ্যমূলক) programmes on different channels by using a powerful dish antenna.
The first floor (The House I Live In) of the house has been rented to two families. Those who have rented the flats of the first floor are very gentle and sociable (মিশুক). They are always on good terms (সুসম্পর্ক) with us. Whenever we are in any difficult or dangerous situation, they try to help us in all possible ways. Similarity, we also help them whenever they are in danger.
We live (The House I Live In) on the second floor of the house. Ours is an extended family. My grandparents live with us. They live in the flat of the northern side of the floor. We live in the flat of the southern side. All the living rooms of our flat are spacious (প্রশস্ত) and airy. Although my grandparents live in a separate (আলাদা) flat, they take breakfast, lunch and supper (রাতের খাবার) with us. We eat and gossip (আড্ড) ore) together. My grandparents are very pious (ধার্মিক). So, they do not watch any entertaining programmes on the channels.
Our drawing room is beautifully decorated (সজ্জিত) with some beautiful calendars and two wall-clocks (দেয়াল ঘড়ি) have been hung on the walls of the drawing room. A sofa has been placed on one side of the room. There is a tea table in front of the sofa. A vase (ফুলদানি) has been placed on the table. There is also a television set on the other side of the room.
My living room may be called a living- cum reading room. A wooden bedstead (খাট) has been placed on one side of the room. There are a reading table and a chair in the room. There is a book-self beside the table. I spend a lot of time reading. I have kept different kinds of books and magazines in the book-self. There is also a wardrobe in my room. I keep my clothes in the wardrobe.
I am proud (The House I Live In) of our house. All the members of our family live in peace, happiness and comfort (আরাম).
আরো দেখুন
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সাজেশন : ৪৫তম বিসিএস