Globalization and its Influences on Bangladesh
” Where globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.”
— Nelson Mandela
Globalization is a world-wide process. It combines one regional economy, society, and culture with others. It creates a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade. It turns national economy into international economy. It opens a new horizon for trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, the spread of technology, and military enterprises. Globalization takes place because of economic, technological, socio-cultural, political, and biological reasons. It spreads our ideas, languages and culture beyond the boundary of any country.
What is Globalization:
Globalization is a much talked issue in recent times. It has many dimensions. It is a process of pervading everywhere and all the time. It is inevitable and there is nothing alternative to it.
Marshall McLuhan was the exponent of globalization. Globalization has multiple meanings. Sometimes it stands for making the world smaller. Sometimes it stands for worldwide working policy. So it carries a significant meaning in this modern world of international relations. It is the result of technological development in the present world. It makes the far near and the large small. It fosters unity among mankind. It brings comfort, peace and riches to all the human beings.
“It is associated not only with an increasing cross border movement of goods, services, capital, technology, information and people, but also with an organization of economic activities which crossed national boundaries.”
— Professor D. Nayyar
So, we see that globalization is a force linking people around the world with increased trade, investment, technology, education, information and communication. Globalization has an influence on both domestic and international affairs of the countries. However, globalization has brought mixed effects on national economy, politics, society, ecology and family of a developing country like ours.
2. Characteristics of Globalization:
2.1. Free travel: In the field of communication, media has given the people opportunity to travel freely. It allows persons anywhere on earth to have merely immediate contact with each other.
2.2. Expansion of business: The late 20th century has witnessed an expansion of business enterprise, civic associations and regulatory agencies that work as trans-border operations.
23. Movement ofgoods: In respect of trade, much movement of goods and services between countries today falls within a trans-world marketing exercise.
2.4, Spread of money: In terms of finance, globalization occurs with spread of money and economic instruments that electronically circulate anywhere and everywhere across the world instantly.
2.5. Environmental of Globalization: Concerning ecology, globalization brought about a number of anthropological changes for the environment that arc not constrained by distance or circumscribed by border.
3. Foundation of Globalization:
Foundation of globalization is strong nowadays. Electronic exchange of information through the internet has brought the countries of the world closer to each other. Information technology has developed in many countries resulting in trading network. Worldwide money transfer and transaction of business have now become a matter of clicking of the mouse of a computer. Electronic medium can transfer money in the quickest possible time throughout the length and breadth of the world. Digital or electronic transmission makes some products tradable, say for example software and TV programs can now easily be bought and sold with the help of electronic mail.
4. Influence of Globalization:
Globalization is not only connected with business trade and international relations but also with economic, political, cultural and religious matters. Globalization without connection is no globalization at all. Any information emanating from one part of the world can spread instantly in all parts of the world. Satellite TV channels and internet help people exchange different customs and culture of different countries. There is the gradual integration of global cultures under the impact of globalization. Every independent nation has its own traditions, social and political values, beliefs and attitudes. But globalization intrudes upon these values, beliefs cultures and attitudes.
5. Exploitation of labor:
The idea of global trade inherent in capitalism has become universal. Globalization depends on capitalism and it brings a lot of benefits to the developed countries. But developing countries do not get the opportunity of globalization. The industrially developed and capitalist countries are cruelly exploiting the cheap labour available in poor countries. Global strategy of development promises not only greater employment opportunity to the poor countries but also high returns to the people of capitalist countries.
6. Global treatment:
Globalization has both its merits and demerits. The exploited workers of the developing countries are no match for a globalizing powerful capitalism. The gap between the poor and the rich capitalists is widening. In the real sense, it has put people into the same vessel but into different cabins. A few people travel in luxurious cabins furnished with modern amenities. They enjoy nutritious food, pure drinking water, advanced medical facilities and a luxurious life. Yet, it helps integration of culture and civilization. It also fosters brotherhood among all the nations of the world.
7. Global Language:
Globalization needs a common language worldwide for communication of ideas. English has become the most important international language for various reasons. It is spoken all over the world. It has become the language of global village. So English is a must to make the basis of globalization strong.
8. Usefulness:
Globalization is essential to bring about unity among all the nations of the world. The nation is mankind and the state is the world state. It will save the exploited for the clutches of exploiters. It will instill modem thoughts into orthodoxy and conservatism to remove racial discrimination. It is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating new markets. It leaves a far-reaching effect on many aspects of human life. With the development of information technology, media and transportation facilities, all the countries of the world have come closer to one another. The world is a village and the nations are families. The nations can share their joys and sorrows like the next-door neighbors.
9. Impact of Globalization in Bangladesh: (Both positive and negative)
9.1. Impact on Economy: There has been huge expansion in the world trade, foreign direct investment and cross border economic flows. Due to political restlessness and law and order situation in Bangladesh, globalization could not bring us the expected result.
9.2. Impact on Politics: As a result of globalization, democracy, human rights, and capitalism have become major concerns at both national and international relations. People of Bangladesh have started their journey of parliamentary democracy in 1991 after independence. Keeping the position of Ombudsman in our constitution reveals the striking feature of globalization to ensure good
9.3. Impact on Society: Globalization has not influenced much directly in social life of Bangladesh. But it has started to persuade the young generation to think with a new outlook. The gap between the aristocratic people and the traditional village people have increased as the aristocratic society keeps faith in western education method and nuclear culture. So, social unrest is worsening and unity breaking down especially among the younger generation.
9.4. Impact on Education: To promote globalization in Bangladesh, various international organizations have responded significantly with their generous assistance in our education sector. There are about 53000 non-formal schools run by NGOs. The government of Bangladesh has supported more than 120 NGOs through their non-formal education programs.
9.5. Impact on Environment: Bangladesh is tremendously facing environmental hazards. Many low-laying areas have gone under water due to climate change. It is the misdirect impact on Bangladesh. Bangladesh has to come under the shade of Kyoto protocol to combat global warming and climate change.
9.6. Impact on Family: Family structure of Bangladesh has broken down. Traditional family ties are no longer found in towns. Even the village people want to become urbanized and commercialized to meet his basic needs. As a result, the number of nuclear families has increased both in towns and in villages. Individualism is the sole authority of society rather than a single man’s influence over the society. In addition, the social norms, values and outlooks within the family have greatly changed. Globalization can bring happiness for mankind when all the people of the world can sink and float together without any racial discrimination, live peacefully under the same sky, and participate in human welfare activities irrespective of caste and creed.
“It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.”
— Kofi Annan