Natural Calamities in Bangladesh
Or, Natural Disasters in Bangladesh
> Natural Calamities in Bangladesh
Disaster (বিপর্যয়) means sudden event such as: flood, cyclone, storm, earthquake (ভূমিকম্প), accident, etc. which cause great damage or suffering [Natural Calamities in Bangladesh]. The disasters/calamities which are caused by nature are called natural disasters/ calamities.
Bangladesh is a land of natural disasters/calamities; such as flood, storm, cyclone, heavy downpour (প্রচুর বৃষ্টিপাত), drought (অনাবৃষ্টি), etc. We have to live fighting against these natural disasters which visit our country repeatedly (প্রায়শঃ).
Flood is the most devastating natural calamity in our country (Natural Calamities in Bangladesh). Torrential (প্রচুর) rain and rush of water from India are the main causes of flood in our country. The canals and rivers overflow their banks and the fields of crops are submerged (নিমজ্জিত) by flood water. Flood causes a heavy damage to our life and property. On many occasions flood water rises very high. So people have to take shelter on the branches of trees and embankments (বাঁধ). Their sufferings know no bounds. They become homeless (গৃহহীন) and shelterless (আশ্রয়হীন).
Cyclone is a terrible natural calamity (দুর্যোগ) in our country. Almost every year it hits our mainland and offshore islands in summer or in late autumn and causes extensive (ব্যাপক) devastation (ধ্বংস) to our life and property. Houses and buildings are blown down and trees are uprooted (উৎপাটিত). If it is accompanied (সঙ্গী হওয়া) by tidal wave (সামুদ্রিক জলোচ্ছ্বাস), innumerable (অসংখ্য) people and heads of cattle are swept away (face face meet) by the waves. Loss of property runs to millions of dollars. People who survive (টিকে থাকা) this catastrophe (বিপর্যয়) lose all their possessions and live a miserable (শোচনীয়) life.
Drought is another natural calamity in our country. It causes damage to our crops. The main cause of drought is the indiscriminate (বাছবিচারহীন/ নির্বিশেষ) chopping of trees for fuel (জ্বালানী কাঠ). We know that trees cause rain. But as everyday a lot of trees are being chopped for fuel, the amount of rain is on decline. As a result a part of the country is turning into a rainless desert day by day. Moreover, the construction (নির্মাণ) of the Farakka Barrage across the Ganges in west Bengal has dealt our economy a severe blow and put our ecological balance into disorder.
The earthquake is also a terrible natural disaster in our country (Natural Calamities in Bangladesh). The mild (মাঝারি ধরনের) earthquake occurs frequently all over the country. Recurrence (পুনরাবৃত্তি) of minor earthquakes is a presage/foreboding (পূর্বলক্ষণ) to a major earthquake. If an earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale strikes our country, thousands of buildings will collapse (ভেঙে পড়া) and millions of people will lose their lives.
আরো দেখুন
Composition : My College
রচনা : বাংলাদেশের প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য
রচনা : বর্তমান বিদুৎ সংকট ও উত্তরণের উপায়
সাজেশন : ৪৫তম বিসিএস