Paragraph : A Hartal Day

A Hartal Day

Hartal is a word that is derived from Guzrati language of India. It means the stopping of work for certain period of time as a protest (প্রতিবাদ) against any decision. So we can say that the main cause of calling hartal is the protest of a political party against the unjust (অন্যায়) decision of the ruling party of the country. Generally, the opposition (বিরোধী পার্টি) observes (পালন করা) a hartal day for the fulfillment (পরিপূর্ণতা) of their demand. Their supporters begin picketing at different places. Students do not go to hool and college. Buses, trucks, trains and other public or private transports are stopped by the strikers. The normal life is paralyzed (অক্ষম করা) on a hartal day. The picketers bring out procession (মিছিল) in support of hartal. They set fire to (i) the abandoned (পরিত্যক্ত) tyres and keep them on the main rond. They prevent people from going to their respective (নিজে নিজে) work. Sometimes, they douse (তরল পদার্থ সিটানো) cars or buses with petrol and set fire to them. Very often they break the glasses of the windows of the vehicles. Because these vehicles (যানবাহন) try to move on the road. Sometimes, the law enforcing agencies prevent the supporters of a hartal. Then a short fight begins between the supporters and the police. Some people may die and many others may be injured in such a skirmish (খণ্ডযুদ্ধ). Most of the employees are not present in the office. Sometimes, buses, trucks, cars and other establishments (স্থাপনা) are damaged. A hartal causes a lot of economic loss to a country. So the Government and the opposition should understand the matter. They should be tolerant (সহিষ্ণু). I think the political parties should try their best to avoid calling hartal.

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