Paragraph : Arsenic Pollution in Bangladesh

Arsenic Pollution in Bangladesh

The groundwater (মাটির নিচের পানি) of Bangladesh is being gradually (ক্রমশ) polluted by a kind of poisonous (বিষাক্ত) chemical element known as arsenic. The underground water of our country contains (ধারণ করে) arsenic in mineral (খনিজ) form and is pumped out for drinking and irrigation (জলসেচ). More than four million wells have been installed (স্থাপন করে) to utilize (কাজে লাগানো) the groundwater. Abuse (অপব্যবহার) of groundwater from these wells is the main cause of arsenic pollution. It is estimated (হিসাব করা) that millions of people of our country are at the risk (ঝুঁকি) of arsenic. The rural (গ্রামীণ) population (জনসংখ্যা) is most affected by the arsenic contamination (দূষণ). They suffer immensely (প্রচুর পরিমাণে). The effect of arsenic pollution is very dangerous (বিপদজনক). By drinking the contaminated (দূষিত) water people suffer from various (নানাবিদ) kinds of fatal (মারাত্মক) diseases. Every year a large number of people die of these diseases. If arsenic pollution is not prevented (প্রতিরোধ) within a short time, the sufferings of the people will know no bounds. Our government and some non-government organizations (সংস্থা) have initiated (চালু করা) a number of programmes to control the extent (মাত্রা) of the problem. The people of the country should be made aware of the causes and the dreadful (ভয়ংকর) effects of arsenic pollution so that they can get rid of the problem.

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