Paragraph : Brain Drain

Brain Drain

Brain drain (মেধা পাচার) is the tendency (প্রবণতা) among the talented (মেধাবী) people to leave the country to get better employment (চাকুরী) and opportunities (সুযোগ-সুবিধা). This migration (দেশান্তর) may be deliberate (সুচিন্তিত), and willful (ইচ্ছাকৃত). Every year many skilled (দক্ষ) people like doctors, engineers, teachers and skilled labourers (শ্রমিক) leave our country and begin to live in the developed countries to get higher salary, excellent (চমৎকার) living conditions and other facilities. This is a great loss to our country. Brain drain creates a serious problem for the country’s economy because the country misses (হারান) their service (সেবা). There are many reasons for which the talented people leave the country. The allurement (প্রলোভন) offered (সুযোগ দেওয়া) by the developed countries (অনিরাপত্তা) and lack of suitable jobs, poor salary and insecurity (নিরাপত্তাহীনতা) of life in the country inspire (উৎসাহিত করা) them to leave the country. It is unfortunate (দুর্ভাগ্যজনক) that we cannot utilize (ব্যবহার করা) our own people when other countries get benefits (সুবিধা) from them. As a result (ফলে), the country is lagging behind (পেছনে পড়া). So, brain drain tendency must be stopped for the interest (স্বার্থ) of the country. We should discourage (নিরুৎসাহিত করা) our highly educated people to go abroad. The government should offer them proper (উপযুক্ত) scope and opportunities (সুযোগ) so that they do not have to leave the country. Moreover, we should advise them to have patriotic (দেশপ্রেমৃূলক) fervour (অনুভূতি). The person who has patriotic feeling can never leave the country.

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