Paragraph : Curse of Poverty

Curse of Poverty

Poverty is one of the main problems of Bangladesh. It is increasing (বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া) day by day. About 50% people live below the poverty line. Overpopulation makes this problem severe, Illiteracy, superstition (কুসংস্কার), lack of consciousness (সচেতনতা), rise of terrorism (সন্ত্রাস), political unrest (অস্থিরতা), unemployment (বেকার সমস্যা), lack of cultivable (চাষাবাদ যোগ্য) land, lack of a proper planning, limitless (সীমাহীন) corruption and nepotism (স্বজনপ্রীতি) are responsible for poverty. A problem begets (সৃষ্টি করে) another problem. In the same way poverty also creates many other problems. These are: murder, shoplifting (দোকান থেকে চুরি করা), burglary (সিঁদ কেটে যে চুরি), smuggling (চুরাচালানি), arson (কোন কিছুতে অগ্নি সংযোগের দুষ্কর্ম), kidnapping (অপহরণ), drug-trafficking (মাদক ব্যবসা), forgery (জালিয়াতি), pick-pocketing (পকেটমার), mugging (ছিনতাই), etc. It also creates disorder, chaos (নৈরাজ্য) and confusion (বিশৃঙ্খলা). Due to poverty more than 80% children suffer from malnutrition (অপুষ্টি), Many mothers also suffer from various diseases. Our government and many NGOs have taken many steps to alleviate poverty throughout the country. The Government sanctions (মঞ্জুরি করা) allowance (ভাতা) to the elderly people. It also distributes V.G.F. and V.G.D cards to the poor villagers so that they can be self-reliant (আত্মনির্ভরশীল). The NGO’s also take many steps to alleviate (দূর করা) poverty. There are nearly 1000 micro finance institutions throughout the country. They sanction loans to the poor people with less interest. This loan helps the poor people to be free from poverty. Grameen Bank, ASA, BRAC, Proshika, T.M.S.S etc are remarkable NGO’s which are trying to remove the poverty of the people.

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