Dangers of Smoking
Smoking is detrimental (ক্ষতিকর) to health. But many people are addicted (আসক্ত) to smoking. There are a few causes of smoking. For some people it is a fashion. They think that it makes them smart. Some people have addiction (আসক্তি) to smoking. They cannot avoid it. There are some other people who smoke cigarette when they feel tired. A few people think that smoking can solve their problem. This is a wrong idea Smoking is a bad habit. It may cause cancer, heart attack, chronic (দীর্ঘস্থায়ী) bronchitis and some other diseases. One puff of cigarette smoke contains fifteen billion particles (কণিকা) of injurious (ক্ষতিকর) matters like: nicotine, methyl alcohol, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, arsenic and several other acids. Nicotine obstructs (ব্যহত করা) the flow of blood through the veins. Smoking causes the rise in blood increases the risk of heart attack. On the other hand, tobacco tar inside the lungs slows down the action of the cilia and at last it destroys them. Carbon monoxide is also very bad for people. Moreover, smoking can cause irritation (জ্বালাপোড়া) in the eye, offend (কষ্ট দেয়া) the nose and unsettle (অস্থির করা) the mind. The stench (দুর্গন্ধ) of cigarette smoke is repulsive (বিরক্তিকর) to a non-smoker. The Government of Bangladesh has taken various measures (ব্যবস্থা) to discourage smoking. It has banned (নিষেধ করা) the advertisement (বিজ্ঞাপন) of tobacco products (উৎপাদিত দ্রব্য). The price of tobacco products has been increased so that the people cannot buy them. The Government also warns the people by writing some warnings on the cigarette packets. All these steps of the Government prevent some people from smoking.