Paragraph : Deforestation


A forest is a large area of land abounding (পূর্ণ) with trees, bushes (জঙ্গল), etc. Deforestation (বন উজারকরণ) means cutting down of trees on a large scale (ব্যাপকভাবে). Trees are useful to us in many ways. They provide (সরবারহ করা) us with food, give us shade (ছায়া) and protect (রক্ষা করা) us from flood, drought (খরা) and other natural disasters (দুর্যোগ). We can breathe (শ্বাস নেওয়া) on the earth as the plants exist (টিকে থাক). If there is no plant, the earth will become a lifeless (নিষ্প্রাণ) desert (মরুভূমি). But nowadays, plants are being destroyed at an alraming rate (উদ্বেগজনক হারে) There are a few causes of deforestation. Man is cuning down wood to cook food and to make furniture (আসবাবপত্র). Besides, he is eager (ইচ্ছুক) to get a quick (দ্রুত) profit from trees. But he ir callous (উদাসীন) to plant and look after (দেখাশুনা করা) new trees. Thus, we are losing our trees and as a result we are heading towards disaster (বিপর্যয়). The government has taken steps to stop deforestation. But the rate of tree plantation is not satisfactory (সন্তোষজনক) compared to (তুলনায়) the rate of deforestation. Moreover, we have to educate our common people (সাধারণ মানুষ) and raise consciousness (সচেতনতা) among them to prevent deforestation. If we fail to prevent deforestation, our existence in the world will be in jeopardy (ঝুঁকি). Because not only the country but also we will become the victims (শিকার) of global warming which causes different kinds of natural disasters (বিপর্যয়).

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