Dowry System
Dowry (যৌতুক) means property or money that a woman’s parents give to man whom she marries. It is a heinous (ঘৃণ্য) social problem. Most of the women of our country are the victims (শিকার) of this problem. The main causes of dowry system are; illiteracy, poverty, unemployment (বেকারসমস্যা) and greed (লোভ). Generally, the people who are illiterate, poor and unemployed give and take dowry. But unfortunately, many educated people also give and take dowry. If a married woman fails to give her husband expected (প্রত্যাশিত) property or money, she is inhumanly (অমানবিক ভাবে) tortured (নির্যাতন করা) not only by her husband but also by her in-laws (কুটুম). As a result, a large number of women either have to commit (করা) suicide or are divorced (তালাকপ্রাপ্ত) or killed by their husbands. At present a father cannot help marrying her daughter off without giving dowry to the bridegroom (বর). Therefore in order to save our womenfolk (মহিলারা), the govt. should adopt some effective (কার্যকরী) steps to exterminate (ধ্বংস করা) dowry system. Those who give and take dowry should be given exemplary (দৃষ্টান্তমূলক) punishment. Moreover, the people of the country should be made aware of the bad effects of dowry. If strict legal (বৈধ) measures (ব্যবস্থা) are not taken against those people who take dowry, the future of our women-folk (মহিলারা) will be in jeopardy (ঝুঁকি).
আরো দেখুন :
সাধারণ জ্ঞান : মুজিব বর্ষ – ২০২২ (১)
সাধারণ জ্ঞান : মুজিব বর্ষ – ২০২২ (২)
Paragraph : Eve Teasing
Paragraph : Gender Discrimination