Environmental Pollution
The environment (পরিবেশ) means air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live. So human beings, animals, plants, air, water and soil are the main elements of the environment. The environment is being polluted day by day. Rapid growth of population, increasing use of vehicles, the setting up of more industries and the use of fertilizers or insecticides (কীটনাশক) or detergents (পরিষ্কারক) are the main causes of environmental pollution. Man is responsible (দায়ী) for the pollution (দূষণ) of the environment. He kills animals for food. He cuts down trees for buildings, fuels and furniture. He makes industries for his daily necessities. Industries, cars, mills and factories emit smoke which pollutes air. These also discharge a lot of waste which pollutes (দূষিত করা) water. Vehicle (যানবাহন) horns, loud speakers, (নির্গত করা) mills and factories are responsible for sound pollution. The consequences (পরিণতি) of environmental pollution are terrible (ভয়ংকর) in our country. Due to environmental pollution our country is gradually (ক্রমশ) warming (উষ্ণ হওয়া) and ecological balance (ভারসাম্য) is being destroyed. As a result of environmental pollution the northern region (অঞ্চল) of the country is becoming a desert day by day. In order to live peacefully (শান্তিপূর্ণ ভাবে), we should prevent pollution at any cost (যে কোন মূল্যে). Total prevention of pollution is impossible. We may reduce (কমানো) pollution by making people aware of the bad effects of pollution.