Eve -Teasing
According to the holy Quran/Bible, Eve was the first woman in the world. She is the original (আদি) mother of mankind. She is the personification (ব্যক্তিরূপে প্রকাশ) of the womanhood (নারীসম্প্রদায়). Eve teasing means the teasing or annoying (বিরক্ত করা) of women. It is a great problem in our country. Lack of religious education, the lewdness (লাম্পট্য) of many young men and the indecent (অশ্লীল) dress of some young women are the main causes of eve-teasing. Everyday lots of young women are victims of eve teasing. The lecherous (ঘৃণ্য) young men are in the habit of teasing or annoying (বিরক্ত করা) them on their way to educational institutions or places of work. They try to harass (হরণকরা) them sexually (যৌনভাবে) whenever they get time and scope. They also try their utmost to kidnap them. If they fail to kidnap them or to persuade (প্ররোচিত করা) them to their lewd (অশোভণ) proposals, they do not hesitate to throw acid on their faces. Therefore eve-teasing should be checked stringently (কঠোরভাবে). The women also should put on decent or refined dress. If they put on decent dress, the licentious (উচ্ছৃঙ্খল) young men will not dare (সাহস করা) to tease them. Those who tease the women should be given exemplary (দৃষ্টান্তমূলক) punishment. Fortunately (সৌভাগ্যক্রমে), the present government has/have taken some effective (ফলদায়ক) steps to check eve-teasing. The government is/are making the people aware of the terrible (ভয়ংকর) consequences (পরিণতি) of eve-teasing. The law-enforcing (দায়ী) agencies have been empowered (ক্ষমতা প্রদান করা) to impose (আরোপ করা) heavy punishment upon those who are responsible for eve-teasing.