Food Adulteration
We cannot live without food. So food should be nutritious (পুষ্টিকর) and free from adulteration (ভেজাল) Unfortunately, in our country various items of food are being adulterated day by day. Food adulteration is now a great problem in our country. The dishonest food manufacturers (উৎপাদনকারী) use different types of chemicals and pesticides on almost all kinds of food item. These chemicals and pesticides are harmful to health. By taking adulterated foods many people suffer from different kinds of diseases such as: cancer, diarrhea, dysentery, blood pressure, insomnia, constipation and so on. According to a survey report, milk, milk powder, fish, foods and vegetables contain banned pesticides such as DDT, Aldrin, Chlordane and Heptachlor The amounts of pesticides in these foods are 3 to 20 times greater set by the European Union. So the general public are worried about this issue. Fortunately, the present government has set mobile courts to detect (আবিষ্কার করা) and punish the dishonest people who are responsible for food adulteration. am sure if the law-enforcing agencies are more alert (সজাগ), our innocent people will get rid of the issue of food adulteration.