Polythene Pollution
The invention (আবিষ্কার) of plastic/poly bags has made life comfortable (আরামদায়ক). But the use of poly bags is a great threat (হুমকি) to our environment. As the poly bags are very cheap, people do not think at all about throwing away the bags here and there after using them. So we can say that the main cause of polythene pollution is the throwing away of poly bags here and there. These create a lot of problems. First, people use and throw them into canals and drains. Then these bags block (বাধা দেয়া) sewers (পয়ঃনিষ্কাশন পাইপ) and ultimately (অবশেষে) resist (প্রতিরোধ করা) the regular flow of drain water. Second, polythene is not biodegradable. As a result, it is not mixed with soil. It remains unchanged (অপরিবর্তিত) year after year. It is a great obstacle (প্রতিবন্ধক) to the fertility (উর্বরতা) of soil. Third, we cannot recycle (পুনর্ব্যাবহারের জন্য প্রক্রিয়াজাত ) it easily. If it is burnt, the stench (দুর্গন্ধ) which comes from it causes cancer and many kind of skin diseases. So we should avoid using poly bags. Considering all these, the government of Bangladesh has made a law against the production and the sale of poly bags. The government has banned polythene shopping bags. If anybody violates this law, s/he is punished. But this law is not exercised (প্রয়োগ করা) fully. However, many producers do not produce (উৎপাদন করা) poly bags for fear of punishment. We should bear in mind that the use of poly bags threatens (হুমকি দেওয়া) our environment.