Price Hike/Price Spiral
Price hike means rapid (দ্রুত) rise in the prices of the essential (প্রয়োজনীয়) commodities (পণ্যদ্রব্য). It is a major problem in our country, where the prices of the essential commodities are increasing day by day by leaps and bounds (দ্রুতগতিতে). The main items, whose prices have recorded an abnormal (অস্বাভাবিক) rise; are clothes, rice, dal, onion (পিঁয়াজ), garlic (রসুন), cumin (জিরা), cardamom (এলাচ), sugar, oil, fuel and many other essential items. The main causes of the price spiral are: overpopulation (অতিরিক্ত জনসংখ্যা), hoarding (মজুদ), smuggling, black-marketing, insufficient production, shortage (ঘাটতি) of food supply, etc. If both the producers (উৎপাদনকারী and the consumers (ভোক্তা) hoard (মজুদ করা) the essential commodities, normal supply of them is bound to break down. So their prices increase abnormally (অস্বাভাবিক ভাবে). The smuggling of the essential commodities across the border is also responsible for price hike. Natural disasters like: flood, drought (অনাবৃষ্টি) and storm also cause the instability of prices in our country. Price hike is responsible for the indescribable (অবর্ণনীয়) sufferings of the people. It ruins our economic growth. So the govt. should take some effective (কার্যকর) steps to control it. Fair price shops should be set up all over the country. But mere establishment of the fair price shops will be of no avail unless the govt. engages its machinery to enforce (বলবৎ করা) proper and effective (ফলদায়ক) measure ruthlessly (নির্মমভাবে) so as to eradicate the causes of the malady (রোগ) of price spiral.