Spring in Bangladesh
Or, The season I like best
Spring is called the king of seasons. It is the loveliest and most charming of all seasons. People can understand its presence easily. It is favourite to all and I like it best.Spring is the best season of the year. It is rich in colour, beauty, music and fragrance. It is neither hot nor cold. Winter is severe (দুঃসহ), dull (নিরস) and dreary (নিরানন্দ). The scorching (দগ্ধকারী) hot days of summer are unbearable (অসহ্য) to us. The damp (আদ্রতা) and humidity of the rainy season increase our discomfort (অস্বস্তি). But spring is fully free from dullness, dreariness (বিষণ্নতা) and scorching heat. Coming after winter it attracts the hearts of people all at once.
Nature looks gay (প্রফুল্ল) and lively (প্রাণবন্ত) in spring. Every object of nature becomes fresh (Spring in Bangladesh) . New leaves grow in trees. Flowers bloom everywhere. Most of them are colourful and sweet smelling (সুরভিত). Although some of the spring flowers have no smell, they look beautiful. Flowers attract bees and butterflies. Bees hum (গুণগুণ করা) and fly from flower to flower with a view to gathering honey. The colourful wings of butterflies (প্রজাপতি) look charming.
As soon as spring sets in, a gentle breeze begins to blow from the south. It spreads the sweet smell of flowers and makes the air fragrant (সুরভিত). Moreover, different kinds of birds sing melodiously (সুশ্রাব্যভাবে) everywhere. The world seems to be a fairy place to us.
The charming sights and sounds (Spring in Bangladesh) exercise a great influence on the people of our country. Love of beauty is an inherent virtue. The people of our country are lovers of natural beauty. The sights (দৃশ্য) and sounds (শব্দ) of spring make them forget the sorrows and sufferings of life. But this season is not free from drawbacks. Some diseases break out (প্রার্দুভাব ঘটা) in this season.
Moreover, its duration is so short that it disappears (অদৃশ্য হওয়া) before we have begun to realize (উপলব্ধি করা) its charms (যাদু). But it is true that it does not make our life monotonous (একঘেয়েমি). So people like it best.
আরো দেখুন
Composition : My College
রচনা : বাংলাদেশের প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য
রচনা : বর্তমান বিদুৎ সংকট ও উত্তরণের উপায়
সাজেশন : ৪৫তম বিসিএস